
9512754c042Hope’s mission vision:

Handmade Hope Rags is a project born of my heart!  I love creating aesthetic crafts with a personal touch that bring people joy, now I can share this with you.  You can customize a t-shirt with the 100s of vintage images in our collections.  It’s always fun and awesome creating interesting items from historic antique art pieces that were once long forgotten.  It is the perfect combination for the artist and archaeologist in me.  Now, after my archaeology career, I get to focus on raising my 2.5 year old son and exploring the creative arts with him and discovering “Antique·Art·Chic“.  Remember, recycled art is very eco-friendly and it gives your kidos an esthetic sense of history while feeds a nostalgic sense in you.  So let’s get creative and make something memorable!

I have dedicated 30% of all of the proceeds to go directly to my Brothers and Sisters at the Good Shepherd Orphanage in Haiti.  In Christmas 2009, my good friend who was raised there brought 55 presents that my husband, son and I wrapped with love and tied with bows to the children there, they were overjoyed!  Being our first time to ever reach out in charity with such a personal touch was one of the most rewarding and fulfilling things we have ever been blessed to do.  You can imagine our heartbreak when just a day after my friend returned back to the states the devastating 7.0 earthquake happened, rendering all the buildings uninhabitable and all except for one slated to be demolished.   Please feel free to donate directly to the orphanage, as food, water and medical supplies are still rare to come by:  http://www.gsohaiti.org  Thank you for taking a look at my Antique·Art·Chic clothing and comfort items, if you would like a custom item made send me your idea and I’ll be happy to create it for you!


Petra·lir·i·um [ˈpɛtrə-ˈlɪrɪəm]:  n. adj.  [from Greek petra meaning rock and Latin dēlīrāre meaning wildly excited, especially with joy or enthusiasm.  “My life’s works and passions united:  archaeology, geology, history, art … and how man carves his image into it, always with an affinity and impeccable desire towards Spiritual Perfection in God.  We are all made in the image of God, The Creator God of all things; therefore, we are designed to create and partake in His glorious Creation.  This is my rock, my foundation upon which I stand and have come to a relationship with Jesus Christ.”. ~ Handmade Hope Rags

“Thank you for sharing the Antique·Art·Chic vision and wearing beautiful apparel with the lasting permanence of history rather than the consumer-fetish trends that clog our cultural arteries of today.  Handmade Hope Rags are always a ready made family heirloom.” ~ Handmade Hope Rags